Self Guided Wild Edible & Medicinal Walk

Self Guided Wild Edible & Medicinal Walk
Edgewater Park 4-18-20

Josh was super excited all winter about doing more plant walks this year. Then just as spring was approaching we were quarantined. Instead of getting depressed we got creative. We're still a little depressed but had fun doing this and hope you'll have fun seeing it.   

Self Guided Wild Edible and Medicinal Plant Walk starts here!

Chew some up and apply to small cuts, bites or stings.

Delicious salad green or trail-side snack. It's our favorite. Taste some!

Supports the lymphatic system.

Be respectful to the plants you harvest. Give thanks and leave most of what you find to keep growing.

Stinging Nettle
Doesn't sting when dried or cooked. Very rich in vitamins & minerals.

Garlic Mustard
Despised by many the cooked or raw leaves are an early spring treat.

Ground Ivy
Tones the sinuses & mucus membranes throughout the body.

Another little nettle plant

Remember not to harvest near areas sprayed for weed control or busy streets.

Leaves and flowers nice to munch or make a tea. Nourishes and relaxes the lungs.

The Greens and roots taste best before the plant flowers. Great for liver, kidneys and gull bladder.

Spring Beauty
The whole plant is edible even the root. 

Plant walk ends here but keep walking, the yum goes on. 
