A leap into the new year

January first folks at Burdock House organized Anderson's first ever New Year's Polar Bear Plunge (that we know of) - a tradition across the globe guaranteed to help you feel alive and start the new year totally fresh. Let us know if you're interested in joining us next year. You wont regret it!

Glorious grey morning
the lake was still and reflecting the somber thoughtful sky so clearly
hand in hand we ran down the dock
 in an instant, all the blocks, old hang ups, relationship issues, anxieties, habits and mental ruts
 LEAPT out of my body.
We were free to begin again!!
 Demons exorcised. 
Icey baptism. Born anew. 
Hand in hand slippery sliding up from the cold womb of a winter morning
My whole body buzzed and for a few moments I felt like I was pure light
